How To Win The Lottery A9play – Without Buying A Ticket

I’ve been a professional lottery player for the past three years, and I’m still winning today. It wasn’t always so.

See, I spent a lot of time trying to win the jackpot. Perhaps you have felt the same.

Let’s face facts: winning the lottery jackpot is unlikely. You have to buy just one ticket per week to be in the UK National Lotto’s fourteen million-to-one chance of winning. This means you could wait up to 250,000 Years to get your jackpot winnings. This is of little use to the average mortal.

Actually, some people consider playing the lottery to be a form of paying “hope tax” and they are correct. You may pay your money each week in hopes of winning the jackpot but you end up losing every week. It didn’t take me too long to realize that the real winners every Monday are the lottery organisers. I therefore set out three years ago to play at their games.

You don’t think it makes sense that lottery companies must make profits every week in order to survive. What if all of us could be lottery organisers? I discovered a very simple way to do it three years ago. The lottery was open to everyone, no matter the number on the drum. How do you make it happen?

You need to increase your chances to win while keeping your stake at the bottom of your lottery stake. To do that, you will need to be part a professional-organized syndicate which buys tickets in such an order as to guarantee at minimum one matching number, but preferably two, in every draw. You can see that this gives you an unfair, but legal, advantage over regular mug-punter lottery players 3d lottery.

Camelot (the UK National lottery organisers) states that the majority jackpots are won via syndicates. Therefore, next you will need to find a professional to organize your syndicate. They must be able to collect the lottery tickets every week and order the tickets correctly in order to guarantee you one (or perhaps two) matching numbers. You will be aware that organizing your own small lottery syndicate is difficult.

If you’re able to find a syndicate, your chances of winning are increased by 700% up to 3,600%. You will win more often. Do you agree? Let’s take a look at what it means to me to play the lottery every week with 392 entry and guaranteed matching numbers in every draw.

The only way you can achieve this is to find a professional syndicate organiser. This will enable you to become an agent for the syndicate, as well as give you free syndicate entry entries when you introduce new players. How does this work in your favor?

As an agent of the syndicate, your customers will play the lottery every week. You also get commission payments. Yes, you will get paid each week your customers play the lotto. This is what makes professional lottery players like me stand out from other lottery players who don’t know the difference.

Remember when I said that only the lottery organisers are the real winners? This is how my income comes in addition the money I win with the lottery. I simply teach people a better way to play the lottery (either in the UK National Lotto oder the Euro Millions Lottery) so they get paid each week.

But did you know that the best part is? I work from home, at my PC whenever I feel like it. I promote the syndicate website worldwide via the Internet. It is a wonderful way to make friends while making money.